Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 122
whereby or by means whereof the said above mentioned and described premises or 
any part or parcel thereof, now or at any time hereafter shall or may be 
impeached, charged or encumbered in any manner or way whatsoever.-
		In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have 
hereunto set their hands & seals, the day and year first above written-
Sealed and delivered					I. Prall (L.S.)
  in Presence of 					H. Prall (L.S.)
Word "Seventeen" written on an erazure
also the word Nehemiah Brush, on the
fourth line, and the word Physician on 
the fifth line also written on erazures
	H. Westervelt
					State of New York
					City of New York    On this fourteenth 
day of July 1829, before me personally apeared Ichabod Prall & Hannah his 
Wife known to me to be the same persons described in and who in my presence duly 
executed and acknowledged, the within Written Instrument, to be their Act & Deed 
The said Hannah on a private examination, separate and apart from her said Husband 
further acknowledged that she had executed the same of her own free will & accord 
without any fear of or compulsion from her said Husband, the alterations therein 
were first duly noted,
						H. Westervelt
State of New York         }
City & County of New York } I Nicholas Dean Clerk of the City and 
County of New York, Do hereby Certify that Herman Westervelt Esq'r whose 
name is subscribed to the Certificate of the proof of Acknowledgment of the annexed
Indenture or Instrument in Writing and thereon written was on the day of the date 
of said Certificate a Commissioner in and for the City and County aforesaid dwell
ing in the said City, Commissioned and sworn, duly Authorized by Law 
to take the proof and Acknowledgment, of Deeds and discharges of Mortgages &c 
And further, That I am well acquainted with the handwriting of the said 
Commissioner, and verily believe the signature of H. Westervelt inscribed to the 
said Certificate, is genuine
			In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and affixed the seal of said County the 2nd day of February 1830 -
						N. Dean
     Recorded this 21st day of Feb'y 1830
				D. Levy D.C.
Transcribed from the Original Record Book from pages 196, 197, 198 & 199 
this 30th June AdD 1840  		James McNeill Clk
					Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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