Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 125
Territory of Florida  }
St. Johns County      }	Know all men by these presents, that I 
George I. F. Of Florida County aforesaid, in consideration of the 
sum of Two thousand Dollars to me in hand paid, by the Hon'ble J.M. Berrien 
of Georgia and the Hon'ble R.H. Wilde of the same State, the receipt whereof 
I do hereby acknowledge, have remited, released, and forever quit claimed & 
by these presents, do remit, release, and forever quit claim, unto the said John 
Macpherson Berrien, and Richard H. Wilde, their heirs and assigns, all the 
right and title, which I the said George I.F. Clarke, have, or ought to have 
to the following Lands, Situated in the Eastern of this Territory Viz, One thousand 
acres, being and laying, at a place called Darcy's Creek, near the River Santaffe 
being a part of a fifteen thousand acre grant made by the Spanish Govern
ment to George Atkinson, of whom I the said Clarke purchased a portion 
and One thousand acres being and laying at a place called Tallahassee in 
the Neighborhood of Alachua, and is a part of twenty six thousand acre 
grant, made me the said Clarke, by the late Spanish Government as 
will more fully appear by translated copies of the Surveys and Certificates 
executed under said Spanish Government and hereunto annexed To have 
and to hold the aforesaid two tracts of Land, making two thousand acres 
with all and singular, their privileges and appurtenances, belonging or in 
any wise appertaining thereto, unto the said J.M. Berrien & R.H. Wilde 
their heirs and assigns, to their own proper use and behoof forever, so that 
neither I the said George I. F. Clarke, nor my heirs, nor any person or persons 
claiming under me or them, shall at anytime hereafter, by any way or 
means have, claim, or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises 
or appurtenances, or any part or parcel thereof - In Witness whereof 
I have Hereunto, set my hand & seal this thirteenth day of March in the 
year of Our Lord, Eighteen hundred and thirty.-
Signed Sealed & delivered
     in presence of attest		Note struck out in the fourteenth line
	Joseph B. Lancaster		"purchased" interlined between the
	Wm Livingston		        twenty second & twenty third line "unto"
				George I.F. Clarke (L.S.)
Recorded this 29th day of July 1830
		John C. Richards Clk A.C.C.
Transcribed from the Original Record Book pages 207 & 208 1st July 1840
					James McNeill Clk
					Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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