Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 131
were present and saw Thomas Murphy sign 
seal and deliver the above Conveyance
Sworn to before me
19th June 1830
W.S. Smith			Calvin Baker
     C.C.P.			James Ludlow

		Office of Common Pleas
			Charleston District
The State of South Carolina
		William S. Smith Clerk of 
the county Court of Common Pleas for the 
District and State aforesaid do Certify 
that Thomas Murphy did appear before me and 
acknowledge the execution of the above con
veyance by him and I further Certify that 
Calvin Baker and James Ludlow did 
appear before me depose that they were 
present and saw the said Tho's Murphy 
sign seal and deliver the aforesaid Convey
ance Given under my hand an the seal of 
the said Court at Charleston on this 19th of 
June eighteen hundred and thirty
                       } Thomas Murphy
(Seal)      W.S. Smith }	To
            C.C.P.     } Thomas Napier
The State of South Carolina
		By the Honorable Daniel E. 
Huger one of the associate Judges of 
the State afore said to all whom these pres
ents shall come be seen or made known 
greeting Know ye that William Stevens 
Smith Esq'r who hath subscribed the 
above Certificate is a clerk of the Court of 
Common Pleas for the District aforesaid 
and that all due faith and credit are 
and aught to be given to his attestation as 
such and that the above is in due form of 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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