Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 132
Law given under my hand and the seal 
of the Court of Common Pleas for the Distr
ict of Charleston this the 19th 
day of June in the Year of Our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and thirty

(Seal)		Daniel E. Huger

Recorded this the 16 day of December 1830
			John C. Richard C.A. C.C.
Transcribed form the Original Record Book 
from pages 220 & 221 222 & 223 
this 2nd day of July 1840
			James McNeill Clk
			Alachua County Court
Territory of Florida
		To all whom this presents shall come, Susan Murphy 
Wife of Thomas Murphy of the City of St. Augustine Florida send Greeting
	Know ye that the said Susan Murphy , for and in consideration 
of the sum of three hundred Dollars to her in hand paid by Thomas Napier 
of Charleston South Carolina, hath granted, remised, released and forever 
quit claimed, and renounced, and by these presents, doth grant remise 
release, and forever quit claim and renounce, unto the said Thomas Napier 
his heirs and assigns forever, all the dower, the thirds, and rights, Title in
terest, property claim and demand, whatsoever, in law and equity of her the 
said Susan Murphy, of, in and to all, that tract of land, lying and being 
in a certain tract of Country, known by the name Alachua, containing One 
thousand six hundred and sixty four acres, being the same, and more particularly 
described and set forth, in a certain Deed of Conveyance from Thomas Murphy 
the Husband of the said Susan Murphy to the said Thomas Napier dated 
the 12th day of May 1830, To have and to hold the said described premises 
and every part thereof, unto the said Thomas Napier, his heirs and assigns 
forever, so that, she the said Susan Murphy the Wife of the aforesaid 
Thomas Murphy, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, nor any 
other person or persons, for her, them, or any of them, have claim chalange 
or demand, or pretend to claim, challange or demand any Dower
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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