Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 138
Smith and Charles Robion and the said Theodore Flotard have divided the 
same, by running an imaginary line through the middle of the said tract of 
Land, running North and South, and whereas the said Theodore Flotard has agreed 
to accept the Eastern part of said tract, and the said Peter Meranda by his attorney 
aforesaid, has agreed to accept the Western half part of said tract being equal 
proportions thereof, in full ownership to each other, Now therefore in consideration 
of the sum of Ten Dollars, acknowledged to have been received I Peter Miranda 
by my Attorneys aforesaid, do by these presents, sell, bargain and quit claim all 
my right, title, and interest, in and to the aforesaid East half of said tract of 
four thousand acres of Land, To have and to hold the same, to the said Theodore 
Flotard, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever
		In Witness whereof I the said Peter Miranda, by my Attorneys 
aforesaid have hereunto set my hand & seal, the 13th day of March in the year 
of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred & thirty
Sealed and delivered			Peter Meranda by his (seal)
   in presence of			    Attorneys in fact
	J. Gray Jun'r				Waters Smith
	Joseph Elzaurdi			  Charles Robiou

Territory of Florida }
     County of Leon  }	Be it remembered that on the twenty fifth day 
of June in the year of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred & thirty personally 
came and appeared before me Leslie A. Thompson one of the Justices of the Peace 
in and for the County aforesaid, Joseph Elzaurdi, who being duly sworn 
deposeth and saith, that he saw Waters Smith and Charles Robiou, Attorneys 
in fact for Peter Meranda, sign, seal, execute, the above instrument of writing 
as and for the Act and Deed, of the said Peter Miranda, and that John Gray Jun'r 
signed his name as a witness thereto.-
		Given under my hand & seal, the day and year before written
						L.A. Thompson J.P. (Seal)
Recorded the 27th day of December AD 1830
				John C. Richard C. A.C.C.
Transcribed from the Original Record Book from Pages 134 & 135 
this 3rd day of July AD 1840		James McNeill Clk
					Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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