Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 141
Arredondo, have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal the 
day and year above written.-
Northern and Southern bounderies running
One hundred & thirty two & one half Chains on each line
	Signed Sealed & delivered
	    in presence of			Fernando de la Maza Arredondo
		Donald McIntosh
		E.B. Gould		Recorded the 27th day of December 1830
						John C. Richard C. A.C.C.
Transcribed from the Original Record Book, from pages 238 & 239 
this 3rd day of July AD 1840			James McNeill Clk
						Alachua County Court
Territory of Florida
			This Indenture made the Twenty 
eighth day of March, in the year of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred 
and thirty, Between Don Fernando de la Mara Arredondo of Havanna 
but at present of the City of St. Augustine in the said Territory of the first 
part, and John Drysdale of the City of St. Augustine in the Territory aforesaid 
of the second part, Witnesseth, That the said Fernando de la Mara Arredondo 
for and in consideration of the sum of One thousand Dollars by the 
said John Drysdale to the said Fernando de la Mara Arredondo, in hand 
paid by the said John Drysdale, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these 
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained 
sold, released and remised, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, 
release and remise, unto the said John Drysdale his heirs and assigns forever 
One thousand acres of land situate lying and being in the County of Alachua 
in the Territory aforesaid, and being an undivided part or portion of that cer
tain tract of Land consisting of four Leagues to each point of the Compass 
or of two hundred and eighty nine thousand six hundred & forty five English 
acres, and five seventh of an acre or thereabouts, and which tract or parcel 
of land, was granted by the Spanish Government to the said Fernando 
de la Maza Arredondo, and Joseph de la Mara Arredondo, who is now 
deceased, as Merchants and Copartners, and under the name and style 
of Don Fernando de la Mara Arredondo and Son, by grant bearing date 
on or about the twenty second day of December, One thousand eight hundred 
and seventeen which said tract of land is usually called the Arredondo
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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