Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 145
One thousand One hundred and thirty One acres of land, and all and 
singular other the premises hereby granted, and released or intended 
so to be, and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances 
unto the said Julian C. Verplanck, his heirs and assigns forever, and 
to his and their proper use and benefit and behoof forever
		Upon Condition nevertheless, that if the said party of the 
first part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall pay unto 
the said party of the second part, within two years from the date hereof 
the amount of a condition of a Certain Bond and Obligation of him the 
said party of the first part, to the said party of the second part, bearing 
date the tenth day of May, in the year One thousand Eight hundred 
and twenty one, for the sum of One thousand and twelve and sixteen 
Cents, with interest thereon from the date of said Bond, then this pre
sent Indenture and estate hereby granted, and every article & clause 
herein contained, as well as the said Bond and Obligation, shall cease 
and become utterly void.-
			In Witness whereof the party of the first part hath 
hereunto, set his hand and seal, day and year first above written.-
The word “said” on the 31st line
 of the first page erased before signing		John Rodman (seal)
signed sealed & delivered
    in presence of
	W.T. Perpall
	T.D. Robinson
Territory of Florida }
 County of St. John  }	Be it Remembered, that on the second day 
of December 1830 personally came before me Elias B. Gould a Justice of 
the Peace for the said County, John Rodman (well known to me) and 
acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the within Instru
ment of Writing or Deed of Conveyance, for the purposes and uses 
therein expressed - - Given under my hand at the City of St. Augustine 
the day and year above written.	
					E.B. Gould
						Justice of the Peace
Recorded the 30th day of December AD 1830
				John C. Richard C. A.C.C.
Transcribed from the Original Record Book, from pages 144, 145 & 146 
this 4th July AD 1840				James McNeill Clk
						Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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