Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 148
Lawful money of the United States of America 
to them in hand paid by the said parties of the second 
part at or before the ensealing  of these and delivery 
of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknow
ledged have granted bargained sold aliened 
remised released conveyed and confirmed and 
by these presents do grant bargain sell alien re
mise release convey and confirm unto the 
said parties of the second part and to their 
Heirs and assigns forever all that parcel or tract 
of Land situated on the Ocklawaha in Alachua 
County containing two thousand acres being 
the western half of a tract of land of four thou
sand acres which is included in a large tract of 
land of forty thousand acres granted by Governor 
White on the seventh of January One thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, to Joseph M. Arredondo the 
said four thousand acres being conveyed by the 
Widow of the said Joseph M. Arredondo by Francis 
I. Fatio her Attorney in fact to Joseph S. Sanchez 
as appears by deed recorded in the office of the Clerk 
of St. Johns County Book H p 134 the said un
divided moiety or two thousand acres being conve
yed by deed from the said Sanchez to the said 
Pedro Mirranda under date 16th September 1828, the 
said tract of four thousand acres being divided 
by deed dated 13th March 1830 Together with all 
and singular the tenements hereditaments and 
appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise 
appertaining and the revision and revisions 
remainder and remainders rents issues and 
proffits thereof and also all the estate right title 
interest property possession claim and demand 
what so ever as well in law as in equity of the 
said parties of the first part of in or to the 
above described premises and every part and 
parcel there of with the appurtenances, to have and 
to hold the above granted and described premises
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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