Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 149
with the appurtenances unto the said parties of the 
second part their heirs and assigns to their own 
proper use and behoof for ever and the said parties 
of the first part , unto the said parties of the second part 
the above bargained premises to them and their heirs and 
assigns from and against the claim of all persons 
excepting always any claims of the United States of 
America shall and will Warrant and forever de
fend by these presents in witness whereof the said 
parties have here unto set their hands and seals 
the day and year first above written
signed sealed and		Theo Flotard (seal)
delivered in presents of
James B. Taylor			M.A. Flotard (seal)
L.A. Thompson
County of Leon  }
		  I Mary Adele Flotard wife 
of Theodore Flotard of the County aforesaid do 
hereby freely and voluntarily without any compulsion 
constraint apprehension or fear of or from my 
said husband relinquish and renounce all my right 
to Dower of in and to the with in described prem
ises.  Witness my hand and seal this the first day 
of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty one
in presents of
L.A. Thompson			M.A. Flotard (seal)
James B. Taylor

County of Leon  }
		  I Leslie A. Thompson one 
of the Justices of the Peace appointed for the 
County aforesaid in the Territory of Florida do 
hereby certify that Mary Adele the wife of Theodore 
Flotard parties the within deed bearing date first 
March A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty one 
personally came and appeared before me in my 
County aforesaid and being examined by me privately
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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