Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 153
This Indenture, made the 24th day of November in the Year 
eighteen hundred and twenty one, between Richard S. Hackley 
and Harriet his wife, of the City of Richmond, of the one part & Thomas 
Eston Randolph, of the County of Albemarle, of the other part Witnesseth 
that the said Richard S. Hackley and Harriet his wife in consideration 
of Four thousand five hundred Dollars, lawful money of this Common
wealth, to them in hand paid , by the said Thomas Eston Randolph  
at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt 
whereof is hereby acknowledged), have bargained and sold, and by 
these presents, do and each of them doth bargain and sell unto the said 
Thomas Eston Randolph, his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or 
parcel of Land, situate lying and being in the Territory of Florida 
and bounded as follows viz Beginning at a point on the less side 
of the River Amanina or Amagura in about latitude 28 50 thence 
running along said River Northerly a line of nine hundred poles, thence a line 
Easterly and perpendicular to the first line sixteen hundred poles, thence 
a line paralell and equal in length to the first, thence a line paralell and 
equal in length to the second, which will terminate at the beginning making 
a paralellogram, whose are is nearly equal to nine thousand acres 
To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with all of its appur
tenances, unto the said Thomas Eston Randolph, his heirs and assigns forever 
And the said Richard S. Hackley and Harriet his wife, for themselves and their 
heirs, the said Lands, with all their appurtenances, unto the said Thomas 
Eston Randolph, his heirs and assigns, free from the claim or claims of them 
the said Richard S. Hackley and Harriet his wife, or either of them, their or 
either of their heirs, and of all persons, claiming under them, shall, will 
and do warrant and forever defend by these presents.  In Witness 
whereof the said Richard S. Hackley & Harriet his wife, have hereunto 
set ther hands & seals the day and year first above written.-
					Richard S. Hackley (seal)
					H. Hackley   (Seal)
City of Richmond, State of Virginia to wit,
	We John H. Eustice and William H. Fitzwhylsonn Justices of 
the Peace in the City aforesaid, do hereby certify that Richard S. Hackley party 
of the within conveyance, has duly acknowledged the same before us on this 
seventh day of January 1822 and desired us to certify the same to whomso
ever it may concern, and for record wherever it may appertain -
Witness our hands and seals - John H. Eustice (seal) Wm H. Fitzwhylsonn (seal)
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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