Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 155
This Indenture made and entered into the twenty sixth 
day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirty 
one Between George I. F. Clark of the City of St. 
Augustine East Florida of the one part and Joseph 
and Charles Lawton of the City of Charleston So 
Carolina of the second part Witnesseth that for 
and in consideration of Two hundred 
and twenty four Dollars to me in hand paid, the 
receipt where of is hereby acknowledged.  I have granted 
bargained sold and delivered and by these presents 
do grant bargain sell and deliver unto the said Joseph 
and Charles Lawton of the second part their heirs 
and assigns for ever all that or parcel of land 
lying and being in the County of Alachua containing 
one thousand acres more or less bounded on the 
west by lands sold by me to Waters Smith by 
two deeds bearing date the one on the eleventh day 
of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty 
nine, the other dated the fourth day of August one thous
and eight hundred and thirty for one thousand 
acres each both of which sa deeded to the 
said Waters Waters Smith are duly recorded 
in the County Court of Alachua Book A page 
291 & Book A page347 and are hereby refered to 
for greater certainty in the premises on the North 
by a tract of three thousand acres belonging to 
Domingo Fernandez and on the South and east 
by lands of the United States at Cooly Creek 
San Falaska hammock county of Alachua 
east of the road called Rails Trail being the 
North east end part of a three thousand acre tract 
purchased by the party of the first part from Do
mingo Fernandez which said three thousand acres 
is a part of a survey of six thousand acres and 
which six thousand acres is also itself a part 
of an absolute grant of sixteen thousand acres 
made by Governor Coppinger of East Florida 
on the sixteen day of March one thousand
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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