Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 156
eight hundred and seventeen to the said 
Domingo Fernandez for service and which said 
grant last above mentioned is now filed before 
the Superior Court of East Florida for confirma
tion Together with all and singular the rights 
and appurtenances there to belonging and all 
the estate rights and title of the said party of 
the first part of in and to the said here by gra
nted premises and every part there of to have and 
to hold to the said parties of the second part 
their heirs and assigns to their and their sole and 
only propper use and behoof for ever and the 
said party of the first part for himself his 
heirs executors and administrators doth covenant 
grant promise and agree to and with the said 
parties of the second part their heirs and assigns 
the above bargained and described premises in the 
quiet and peaceable possession of the said parties 
of the second part their heirs and assigns against 
all and every person or persons lawfully or equitably 
claiming or to claim the whole or any part there of 
will warrant and by theses presents forever 
defend In witness whereof the party of the first 
part hath here unto set his hand and seal the day 
and year first above written
 Signed sealed and
 delivered in presents of	Geo I.F. Clark (seal)
  The word four in 
  the 9th line of the first page
 enserted before signed
	J. Gray Jr.
	C. Downing
Territory of Florida
County of St. Johns	Be it remembered that 
on the twenty fifth day of March 1831 the with
in named grantor came before me he being persona
lly Known and acknowledged that he had signed
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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