Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 160
this day, entered, unto a full and satisfactory arrangements with the said F.M. Arredondo, 
by which a final settlement has been effected between the said Arredondo and 
the said Lewis and Wife, heirs and representatives of the said Betts aforesaid, by 
which said arrangements it is covenanted and granted by and between the said 
parties, that the said John H. Lewis and Mary F.M. Lewis, shall and do release 
and forever acquit the said Arredondo of all and every claim, which they the said 
John H. and Mary F.M. Lewis the parties of the second part, may now or at 
any time might could have, to any part, share or interest of, in or to, the results 
of the said Mercantile house of F.M. Arredondo & Son, as the representatives 
of Samuel Betts deceased a partner of the said House, as well as any further 
claim to any part or portion of the said above in part recited grant, in Alachua 
aforesaid, for and in the condition, that the said Arredondo, will and do convey 
to them the said parties of the second part, Fifteen thousand acres an undivided 
part of the said Alachua Grant, in as full and Absolute a manner as the said 
Arredondo, having heretofore sold, and conveyed away the qusrter portion of
said grant to the New York Association and others, and the parties of the second 
part, being willing to receive the said fifteen thousand acres as an undivided 
portion, of the share or balance which remains to the said Arredondo & Son 
after the sales aforesaid heretofore made as aforesaid -- Now therefore this 
Indenture Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the premises as 
well as for the consideration of fifty Dollars in hand paid by the parties of the 
second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said F.M. Arredondo 
the party of the first part, that granted, bargained and sold unto the said 
parties of the second part, One undivided portion or part consisting of fifteen 
thousand acres of land in the said Alachua Grant, to be allotted or apportioned 
to the said parties of the second part, Out of that share or balance which may 
or shall remain to the said F.M. Arredondo, when and after a division shall be had 
between the said Arredondo and the said New York Association and other
purchasers of shares of the said grant from the said Arredondo before the 
date of these presents, the said fifteen thousand acres of land herein conveyed, 
or intended to be conveyed, to be divided and laid off according to 
the quality thereof, that is to say, that in the Allotment of the said fifteen 
thousand acres to the said party of the second part, there shall be apportioned 
to the said parties of the second part, a due and proper proportion of Good 
and bad land or lands, of an inferior quality, such as may fall to 
the share of the said Arredondo, to be divided and allotted in squares, such as 
have already agreed by and between the said Arredondo and the Claim
ant under him -- To have and to hold the said fifteen thousand
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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