Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 164
To All persons to whom these presents shall come, 
Isaac B. Blanton of Newnansville, a Deputy Sheriff 
under John McNeill, Sheriff of Alachua County 
Florida, sendeth greeting
			   Whereas the said John 
McNeill, on the fifteenth day of January AD 1843 
in an attachment suit, when on John S. Taylor was 
Plaintiff and Archibal McNeill was defendant 
did attach the tract of land hereinafter described 
and whereas, by the consideration of the Court holdin 
at Newnansville within and for the County of 
Alachua, on the third day of May AD 1843 the said 
John S. Taylor recovered judgment against the 
said Archibal McNeill for the sum of One hun
dred and fifty Dollars and costs of suit, upon 
which Judgment a writ of fieri facias issued 
from the said Court on the third day of June Ad 1843 
directed to the said Sheriff, and whereas, by 
virtue of the said writ, and in order to satisfy the 
same, I as deputy Sheriff having levied upon 
and advertised the said Land have [after having 
postponed the sale of the said Land from the first 
Monday in July, on this the seventh day of August 
Ad 1843 Sold the same to Woodbridge S. Olmsted 
of Newnansville in the County aforesaid who was 
the highest bidder and the purchaser at said 
sale for the sum of thirty seven Dollars which 
was the highest sum then bid therefor. Now 
Know ye That I the said Isaac B. Blanton 
as deputy Sheriff as aforesaid, in consideration of 
the said sum of thirty seven Dollars to me 
paid by the said Woodbridge S. Olmsted, the 
receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have 
granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and 
by these presents, do grant, bargain sell and 
convey unto the said Woodbridge S. Olmsted 
his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract 
of Land (Surveyed) purchased from the Government
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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