Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 166
Government on the 25th of October 1835 and described 
{for receiver's receipt} as the SE Qr Section 35 Township 
8 Range 18 S&E - acres 159.62 - together with all 
privileges and appurtenances to the said Land in 
any wise appertaining and belonging.  To have and 
to hold the above granted premises to the said Thomas 
C. Ellis, his heirs and assigns , to his and their use 
and behoof forever.  And I the said William H. 
Saunders, for myself, my heirs, executors and 
administrators shall warrant and defend do covenant 
with the said Thomas C. Ellis, his heirs and assigns 
that the premises are free from all incumberances 
and that I will, and my heirs, executors and 
administrators shall, warrant and defend the 
same to the said Thomas C. Ellis, his heirs and 
assigns forever against the lawful claims and 
demands of all persons claiming through me or 
under me, but not against no other persons whatsoever 
or claims or demands whatsoever.  And Zilpha 
wife of said William H. Saunders, in consideration 
of ten cents to her paid , the receipt whereof 
she doth hereby acknowledge, doth hereby release 
to the said Thomas C. Ellis, his heirs, and assigns 
all her right and title of Dower in the afore
granted premises.
		In testimony, I, the said William 
H. Saunders and Zilpha my wife, have hereunto 
set our hands and seals this first day 
of September Eighteen hundred and forty 
    Signed sealed and
delivered in presence	    W.H. G Saunders   (L.S.)
of us
	John B. Saunders    Zilpha C. Saunders (L.S.)
	Joshua Fenimore
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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