Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 168
Whereas by a pluris writ of Fieri facias issued out 
of the Superior Court for the District of East Florida, and 
to me directed and delivered, I proceeded to advertise for 
public sale in front of the Courthouse in the 
City of St. Augustine certain Lands of the defendant 
George I.F.Clarke previously levied on in said writ at 
the suit of Archibald Clarke the plaintiff in the same 
which said land s so levied on and advertised are in 
said advertisement, and herein after in this instrument of 
writing more particularly set forth and described - which 
said advertisement made in the east Florida Herald has 
been duly continued therein according to the Law And 
whereas a Venditioni Exponas has been issued from the 
Clerk's office of said Superior Court, directing me to 
proceed in the sale of said Lands , and the parties - Plain
tiff and Defendant - having by a written instrument 
hereto attached, requested me to proceed to the sale of 
said Lands under the Venditioni Exponas aforesaid 
and to dispose of said Lands at ten oclock of this day 
at the Court House aforesaid in satisfaction of the in
junction aforesaid
			Now Know Ye that in obedience 
to the mandate of said writ, and in consonance with 
the written agreement and consent of the parties to said 
writ, hereto attached as aforesaid.  I proceeded at ten of Clock 
on this 16th day of December, under the Venditioni 
Exponas aforesaid, to offer for sale to the highest 
bidder, the following tracts or parcels of Land, the 
property of the said George I.F. Clarke, previously 
levied upon and advertised as aforesaid to satisfy 
the judgment of the said Archibald Clarke 
against the said George - To Wit.
					A certain 
Tract or parcel of Land, consisting of eight 
thousand acres, situated West of the St. Johns 
River, the admeasurement thereof, beginning 
at the mouth of Buckley's Creek, below 
White Springs, and following upward, the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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