Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 016
of Pablo F. Fontana he cause to be made the 
sum of one hundred and five dollars which 
lately in our Superior Court for the district 
of East Florida, Anna Ortega Administratrix 
of Antonia Mier hath recovered against him 
for damages and also the sum of five dol
lars twelve and a half cents adjudged to the 
said Anna Ortega, for her Cost by her about 
her said suit in that behalf expended where 
of the said Pablo F. Fontana is convicted as 
appears of Record And that the said Mar
tial have the same before the Judge of 
the said Court at the City of St. Augustine 
on this first day of February AD 1825 to 
Render to the said Anna Ortega the damages 
and Costs aforesaid - And Whereas by 
virtue of one other Writ of Fieri Facias is
sued out of the Superior Court for East 
Florida and to the said Martial direc
ted and delivered, he was commanded 
that of the goods and Chattles lands & 
Tenements of Pablo F. Fontana and Maria S. 
Fontana his wife he cause to be made the 
sum of one Hundred and Ten dollars 
which lately in our Superior Court for the 
District of East Florida Anna Ortega 
Administratrix of Antonia Mier hath recov
ered against them for her damages and 
also the sum of five dollars twelve and a 
half cents adjudged to the said Anna 
Ortega for her Cost by her about her suit 
in that behalf expended, Where of the 
said Pablo and Maria are convicted as 
appears of Record, and that the said Mar
shal have the same before the Judge of 
said Court at the City of St Augustine on the 
first day of February one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty five to render to the 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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