Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 169
margin of said River to the point where the public 
road from Picolata to Alachua crosses the said river 
and has the following lines as its boundaries .. To wit.  
The first line runs from a stake at the mouth of 
Buckley's Creek South 25° West 112 chains to a 
pine.. The second line from said pine S. 60° 
E. 174 chains to a pine..  The third line runs from 
said pine S. 82° E. 154 chains to a pine.. The fourth 
line runs from said pine South 33° East 175 chains 
to a pine.. The fifth line runs from said pine S. 5° 
West 123 chains to a pine.. The sixth line runs from 
said pine S. 15° E. 123 chains  to a pine.. And the 
seventh line runs from the said pine N. 85° East 
110 chains to a stake on the Picolata Road..
	Also One thousand acres at a place called 
Cedar Hammock, or Baggs Hammock, on the 
south part of Mosells pond, being a part of two 
thousand acres, which were granted to the said 
George I.F. Clarke in absolute property on 
the 15th February 1811..
			And also five hundred 
acres at and about the head of Deep Creek 
which empties itself into the St. Johns River, on 
the East side, being a part of a tract of two 
thousand acres granted to the George 
I.F. Clarke on the 15th of February 1811..
					And also 
five hundred acres at and about the head 
of Deep Creek aforesaid being the complement 
of the two thousand acres, first above mentioned, taken 
as the property of the said George I.F. Clarke 
at the suit of Archibald Clark as aforesaid..
	And whereas, at the sale above mentioned 
Gen'l Duncan L. Clinch of the Unites States 
Army became and was the highest bidder 
for each and all of the said several tracks and parcels 
of Land at and for the following rates and prices 
to wit..  For the said tract of Eight thousand acres
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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