Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 174
contrary the said Moses E. Levy and his 
heirs and assigns shall and may lawfully for
ever hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold 
possess and enjoy the above mentioned two 
thousand acres of Land and all and singular 
other the premises above mentioned and 
the appurtenances; and also that the said 
Catalina de Jesus de los Hisuelos hath not 
at anytime heretofore granted, sold transferred 
released or given the said land or any part 
thereof or the appurtenances, and that she 
hath not at any time heretofore made done 
committed or wittingly of willingly permitted 
or suffered any act matter or thing whereby 
the said land, or any part thereof or the 
appurtenances is or are encumbered.  
And the said Catalina de Jesus de los 
Hijuelos for herself, her heirs Executors and 
Administrators the said two thousand acres 
of land abovementioned and all and singular 
other the abovementioned premises 
against her the said Catalina de Jesus 
de los Hisuelos and her heirs and against 
every person and persons whomsoever claim
ing or to claim, by, through or under her 
the said Catalina de Jesus de los Hijuelos 
shall and will warrant and forever defend 
by these presents
		In Witness whereof the parties 
to these presents have hereunto set their 
hands and seals the day and tear first 
above written

Sealed and delivered	Catalina Jesus
in the presence of us	de los Hijuelos (L.S.)
 William Travers
 F.M. Arredondo
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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