Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 176
	To all to whom these presents shall come 
I Samuel Blair Marshall of the District of East Florida 
send greeting
		Whereas by a decree of the Superior Court of 
the District of aforesaid made on the seventeenth day of October 
in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty one in 
a certain case in Chancery, wherein Moses E. Levy was 
Complainant and Praxedas Cocifacio widow, and 
Antonio Arredondo, Pedro Arredondo, Fernando Arredondo, 
Marianna Arredondo, Jose Arredondo, Theodore Arredondo, 
Dolores Arredondo, and Ines or Martha Arredondo 
heirs of Joseph de la Maza Arredondo deceased, and 
the widow and heirs of William B. Wallace deceased 
were defendants, it was adjudged that there was due 
unto the said Complainant from the said Defendants 
the sum of eight thousand three hundred 
and thirty one Dollars and ninety nine Cents for 
principal and interest money upon certain Indentures 
in said Complainants bill in said case 
mentioned.    An whereas it was further ordered, 
adjudged and Decreed by the said Court 
then and there in the same case, that so much 
of the mortgaged premises in the said bill of 
Complaint and Indentures specified, that is 
to say, the undivided moiety of the several tracts 
of Land in the said bill of Complaint and 
Indentures mentioned, as would be sufficient to 
satisfy and discharge the aforesaid sum of eight 
thousand, three hundred and thirty one Dollars 
and ninety nine cents with interest on six thousand six 
hundred and twenty five dollars at six per cent 
per annum from the date of said decree until the 
sale of the premises aforesaid, together with the 
sum of seventeen Dollars and twelve and one 
half cents costs to be taxed, should be sold 
by the Marshall of said court in the front of 
the court house in the city of St.. Augustine on 
the first Monday of February (then) next unless
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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