Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 177
the said defendants should on or before that time 
pay to the said complainant the aforesaid sum of 
Eight thousand three hundred and thirty one Dollars 
and ninety nine cents and Interest with the costs and 
that the said Marshall should sell the said mortgaged 
premises by separate tracts as described in the said decree 
until the aforesaid monies should be raised And to the highest 
bidder for cash and that notice of the Sale of the said 
mortgaged property and of the time and place thereof should
be given by publication once every two weeks until the time
of Sale in the East Florida Herald.
		And whereas I the said Samuel Blair Marshall of 
the District of East Florida as aforesaid in pursuance and 
by authority of the said Decree, did on the first Monday in 
February in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
and thirty two proceed to sell the said undivided moiety 
or half part of the said several tracts of land separately 
at public auction ( the said sums of money or any part 
of thereof not having been paid to the said Complainant) 
in front of the Court House in the said City of St. Augustine 
to the highest bidder for cash having first given public 
notice of the said sale and of the time and place thereof 
in the East Florida Herald pursuant and according to 
the order in said Decree in that respect contained as above 
stated.---- And whereas Moses E. Levy became the purchaser 
of the undivided moiety or half part of the following tracts 
or parcels of land, that is to say, the undivided moiety 
or half part of that certain tract or parcel of land consisting 
of two thousand acres situated and being in the great Hammock 
or Ensinal Grande on the Okeloka Creek in the 
Alachua County in East Florida which said tract of land 
was granted to one Catalina de Jesus de la Hijuelas by the 
Spanish Government, by Royal title or absolute grant bearing 
date on or about the seventh day of December one thousand 
eight hundred and seventeen - which was by the said Catalina 
de Jesus de los Hijuelos conveyed to the said Moses E. Levy 
by indenture bearing date the tenth day of February one 
thousand eight hundred and twenty five and by the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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