Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 183
consisting of twenty thousand acres of land part of a tract 
or parcel of twenty five thousand acres which was originally granted 
to Philip R. Young by a concession or grant bearing date the 
eleventh day of February One thousand eight hundred & seventeen and 
which was Confirmed to the said Philip R. Young by royal 
title or grant in absolute property bearing date the Twenty second 
day of February in the year last mentioned made by the aforesaid 
Don Jose Copinger, then Governor of East Florida, eight thousand 
acres part and parcel of the Twenty Thousand acres of land 
being situated on the west side of a place called Long Pond 
and about forty miles south of Lake George on the west of 
the River St.. Johns in East Florida and twelve thousand acres 
the residue of the said Twenty Thousand acres of Land being 
situated on the lake named second and on the west side of said 
lake in East Florida aforesaid which said Twenty 
Thousand acres of land was sold and transferred by 
the said Philip R. Young to one William Travers and by 
the said Wm Travers sold and conveyed to the said Moses E. 
Levy.  And the said undivided moiety or half part of the 
said Twenty Thousand acres of Land was conveyed by 
the said Moses E. Levy unto the said Joseph de la Maza 
Arredondo by indenture bearing date the twenty seventh day of 
November One Thousand eight hundred and twenty four, the 
said Moses E. Levy being the highest bidder at the sale 
aforesaid became the purchaser he having bid Four hundred 
and fifty dollars.
		No w Know ye that I the said Samuel 
Blair Marshal as aforesaid by virtue and in pursuance 
of the said decree in consideration of the several sums of 
money above specified to me in hand paid by the said 
Moses E. Levy the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
have granted bargained sold and by these presents do 
grant bargain and sell unto the said Moses E. Levy 
and to his heirs and assigns forever all of the said 
undivided moiety or half part of several said tracts 
or parcels of land herein before specified together with 
the appurtenances thereunto belonging and all the estate
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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