Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 184
right title and interest which the said Praxedes Cocifacio 
widow as aforesaid and Antoino Arredondo Pedro Arredondo 
Marianna Arredondo Fernando Arredondo Jose Arredondo 
Theodore Arredondo, Dolores Arredondo and Ines or 
Martha Arredondo, heirs of the said Joseph de la Maza 
Arredondo deceased and the widow and heirs of the said 
Wm B. Wallace deceased or any or either of them had 
in or to the said undivided moiety or half part of the 
said several tracts or parcels of land herein before specified 
on the said seventeenth day of October in the year One 
Thousand eight hundred and thirty one aforesaid or at any 
time since had or now have.   To have and to hold the said 
undivided moiety or half part of the said several tracts 
or parcels of land and every part thereof with the 
appurtenances unto the said Moses E. Levy his heirs 
& assigns forever as fully and absolutely as I the said 
Samuel Blair as Marshal as aforesaid and under the 
authority aforesaid might could or ought to sell and 
convey the same.
		In Witness whereof I the said Samuel 
Blair as Marshal as aforesaid have hereunto set 
my hand and seal at the City of St.. Augustine 
in said district this seventeenth day of February 
A.D. 1832
				James Blair   (Seal)
Signed sealed and			Marshal
 delivered In presence of
   Tho's Douglass
   Hy. Rutgers Renisen
			Territory of Florida
			   County of St.. Johns
			     City of St.. Augustine
On the eighteenth day of February AD 1832 
Samuel Blair United States Marshal for the eastern 
district of Florida, Known to me to me to be the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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