Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 185
person who signed and sealed the within instrument 
of writing came before me the subscriber Clerk of 
the County Court for the County and Territory aforesaid and 
acknowledged the same to be his act and deed for the 
purpose and uses therein specified whereupon I have 
recorded the same in Book J. page 208
		Witness my name this twenty second 
day of the Month and year above written
				Bernardo Segui
					Clk C.C
	Recorded this the 17th day of April A.D. 1844
				Henry C. Wilson Clk
				Pr   O. Morgan D.C.C.C.
This Indenture made the twenty seventh day of December 
in the year of our lord One thousand eight hundred and 
twenty five between Don Juan de Entralgo of 
the City of Havanna in the Island of Cuba and 
Donna Felicitas Almanga his wife of the first part 
and Moses E. Levy of the County of Alachua in the 
Territory of Florida Esquire of the second part, Witnesseth 
that whereas the said Juan de Entralgo did by indenture 
bearing date the sixth day of August One thousand 
eight hundred and twenty four between him the said Juan 
de Entralgo of the one part and the said Moses E. Levy 
of the second part made and executed by Wm Travers 
as the attorney in fact of the said Juan de Entralgo 
grant bargain sell alien remise and release 
and forever quit claim unto the said Moses 
E. Levy, his heirs and assigns forever and 
all and singular the following certain tracts pieces 
or parcels of land that is to say Ten Thousand
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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