Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 188
of land granted to Don Pedro Miranda by a concession 
or Grant bearing date on or about the sixteenth 
day of September One thousand eight hundred 
and seventeen, made by Don Jose Coppinger then 
the Governor of East Florida aforesaid and which 
were confirmed to the said Pedro Miranda 
by royal title or Grant in absolute property 
bearing date on or about the Eleventh day of April 
one thousand eight hundred and twenty one 
made also by the said Don Jose Coppinger 
then also the Governor of East Florida, Which said last 
mentioned four thousand acres of land were sold 
and transferred by the said Pedro Miranda 
to the said Juan de Entralgo on or about the 
fifth day of December one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty one, And also three thousand four hundred acres 
of land situated at or near a place called English 
Big Spring at or about twenty five miles south 
of St. Georges Lake on the river St. Johns in East Florida 
aforesaid, which said three thousand four hundred 
acres of land are part of a parcel of land granted to
the aforesaid Don Pedro Miranda by the aforesaid 
Concession and royal title herein before mentioned 
to have been made to him by Don Jose Coppinger 
and which were sold and transferred by the said 
Pedro Miranda to the said Juan de Entralgo 
on or about the fifth day of December one thousand 
hundred and twenty one, and also one other 
tract or parcel of land containing one thousand 
acres situated on the East side of the St. Johns river 
in East Florida aforesaid, at a place called Rolls 
Town.  Which last mentioned tract of land 
was granted to the said Juan de Entralgo 
by a concession bearing date on or about the 
seventeenth day of December one thousand 
eight hundred and sixteen made by the 
aforesaid Don Jose Coppinger the the Governor 
of East Florida aforesaid and also all
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 15 October 2002
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