Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 018
and to the said Marshall directed and delivered 
he was commanded to sell or cause to be sold the 
tract of land of the said Pablo F. Fontana by 
the said Marshal in form aforesaid taken 
and every part thereof for the best price 
that could be got for the same and have 
the said money arising from the such sale, before 
the Judge of our Superior at the Court House 
in the City of St Augustine on the twelfth 
day of August in the year of Our Lord 
one thousand eight hundred and twenty six.  
The said Marshal on the third day of July 
last aforesaid did advertise the said three 
thousand acres of land herein before discri
bed for sale at public auction on Tuesday 
the fifth day of September in the year of 
Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty six and on that day being the day
of the date of these presents did sell the 
same at public auction to the said James 
F. Symington party to these presents of the 
second part for the sum of four hundred 
& fifty dollars ($450) he being the highest and best 
bidder for the same Now Therefore this 
Indenture witnesseth, that the said Waters 
Smith as Marshal as aforesaid by virtue of 
the said writs of Fieri Facias and by virtue of 
the said writ of Venditioni Exponas to him 
as aforesaid directed and delivered and by 
force of the Statute in such case made and 
provided, for and in consideration of the 
said sum of Four hundred and fifty dol
lars money of the United States of America 
to him in hand paid at and before the 
the ensealing and delivery of these presents 
the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowl
edged, Hath granted bargained sold al
iened released and confirmed and by these
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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