Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 192
Know all men by these presents that we - James 
F. Symington & Nelly A. His wife of the State 
of Maryland and John Symington of the United 
States Army for and in consideration of the 
sum of five hundred and sixty two Dollars 
lawful money to us in hand paid at and before 
the ensealing and delivery of these presents by 
David Levy and Archibald H. Cole both of 
the Territory of Florida, have granted, bargained 
and sold, and by these presents, do grant bargain 
and sell & convey unto the said David Levy 
and Archibald H. Cole all and singular our 
or either of our right, title, interest and claim 
of whatsoever nature in law or in Equity of, in 
and to Twelve hundred and fifty acres of land 
being part of a certain tract or parcel of land 
containing three thousand acres situate in 
the District of East Florida on a creek called 
Vacasasa and being about ten leagues South 
West from Alachua.  The said tract of land 
being the same which was conveyed by Waters 
Smith Marshall of East Florida to the said 
to the said James F. Symington by Deed 
bearing date the fifth day of September in 
the year of Our Lord One thousand eight 
hundred and Twenty six and recorded in 
the Clerk's Office of Alachua County Court 
in Book A page 16 -- To have and to hold 
the said Twelve hundred and fifty acres of 
land or so much of the said original tract 
of three thousand acres as may now belong 
to us or either of us in law or equity unto them 
the said David Levy and Archibald H. 
Cole that we will warrant and defend them 
in the peaceable and quiet possession of 
the said lands herein conveyed against 
any and all persons claiming or to claim 
any right or interest therein by, from, or
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 28 November 2002
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