Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 194
Be it known that before me James B. Latimer 
Commissioner for the Territory of Florida residing in the 
City of Baltimore State of Maryland came Nelly A. 
Symington Known to me as the wife of James F. Symington 
who being at the time separate and apart from her husband 
acknowledged and declared that she did sign and seal 
the foregoing deed for the purposes of relinquishing 
her right of Dower in the same and that the said 
relinquishment was made freely and voluntarily and 
without any Compulsion Constraint apprehension or fear of 
or from the said husband of her the said Nelly A
November 10th 1841
In testimony whereof after
Causing her the said
Nelly A. To sign her		Nelly A. Symington 
name in token of her
said acknowledgment I
do hereby subscribe my name
and affix my seal of office
the day and year above written
			Ja's B. Latimer (L.S.)
State of Maryland
	City of Baltimore   SS
					Be it Known that 
before me James B. Latimer Commissioner of the Territory 
of Florida residing in the City of Baltimore State of 
Maryland came Tho's B. Brenan one of the subscribing 
witnesses to the aforesaid deed who being duly sworn 
deposeth and saith that he signed his name 
to the foregoing instrument of writing as a 
witness thereto and that John Symington did 
in his presence subscribe his name & annex 
his seal.       Given under my hand seal of Office this the 
11th day of November 1841
			      Ja's B. Latimer (L.S.)
			H.C. Wilson Clk
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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