Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 001
This Indenture made the thirteenth day of Jan
uary in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty six  Between Moses Elias Levy 
of Alachua County in the County of Saint Johns in 
East Florida Planter, now residing in the Rue - 
Saint Thomas de Lenore in the City of France of 
the one part and Seraphina Chaventeau (born Aloy) 
of the Rue de la Champee De anten ---  
Now in said City of Paris Widowed of the other part  Whereas 
the said Moses Elias Levy is possessed of or entitled 
to unto nineteen thousand two hundred acres of Land 
being part and parcel of a certain tract situate and 
being in the county of Saint Johns in East Florida aforesaid 
**** herein after more particular discribed and also 
** the said Moses Elias Levy is possessed of or entitled 
to other nineteen thousand two hundred acres of land 
and also to one nineteenth part of and in a Tract of land 
containing forteen thousand five hundred acres situate 
lying and being on the West side of Saint Johns River in the 
Province of East Florida aforesaid under and by 
virtue of a certain contract or agreement, but the convey
ance has not yet been made thereof and executed-- 
And the said Moses Elias Levy is also possessed of or 
entitled unto one un de vi ded moiety of and in twenty 
thousand five hundred acres of Land 
in the Teretory of East Florida aforesaid and herein 
appears more particular discribed  And the said Moses 
Elias Levy is also possessed of or entitled unto one 
undivided moiety of half part of and in several 
Tracts or parcels of Ground in East Florida aforesaid 
containing together about forty nine thousand eight hun
dred acres and herein after wards more perticular dis
cribed which said last two undivided moities of twenty
****** acres and forty forty nine thousand eight 
**********hundred acres are subject to a certain 
*************** thereon for the sum of thirteen thou
sand ************** said sum the said *************
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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