Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 019
presents Doth grant bargain sell alien re
lease and confirm unto the said James F. 
Symington his heirs and assigns al the Estate 
right title and interest whatsoever whereof 
the said Pablo F. Fontana was seised in 
the premises above discribed on the seventh 
day of May in the year of Our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and twenty four 
being the day of the entering up of the judg
ment of Stephen Vansant against Pablo F. 
Fontana and on which a Writ of Fieri Fa
cias was issued as aforesaid also all the Es
tate right title and interest whatsoever wheof 
the said Pablo F. Fontana and Maria S. Fontana 
his wife were seised in the premises above dis
cribed on the eighth day of November in the 
year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty four being the day of the entering 
up of the judgment of Anna Ortega Ad
ministratrix of Antoina Meir deceased against 
Pablo F. Fontana and also against Pablo F. 
Fontana and Maria S. Fontana his wife 
and on which writs Fieri Facias were issued 
as aforesaid and also all estate right title 
and interest of the said Pablo F. Fontana & 
Maria S. Fontana his wife at anytime after
ward, And also all the Estate right title and 
interest possession claim and demand where 
of the said Waters Smith as Marshal as 
aforesaid was sezed by virtue of said 
several writs and by force of the Statute 
in such case made and provide of in 
and to the said premises or any part 
thereof with the appurtenances.  To have 
and to hold the said premises hereby 
granted unto the said James F. Symington 
his heirs and assigns to and for the only 
proper use benefit and behoof of the said
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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