Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 200
at 8 per cent - principal payable at the end 
of ten years from the purchase.
		     Now in consideration 
of One thousand dollars to me paid by 
Mills B. Espy of Philadelphia - Pennsylvania 
I hereby assign, sell, transfer & set over to said 
Espy all my right, title, interest & estate 
of, in, and to the foregoing tract or tracts of 
land called the "Water Pens" to have & to 
hold the same as his property subject to 
the remaining payments due to said Levy 
and whenever the said Espy makes those 
payments, or sells to a third person who will 
then make them, I agree to execute a Deed in 
all respects similar to said Levy's Deed of 
to me said land to me, to the said Espy 
or to such purchaser as he may designate 
to me
		Witness my hand and seal at 
Philadelphia Pa. June 6. 1844
Witnesses present	P.S. Smith   (L.S.)
John H. Frick
H.E. Dougherty
      State of Pennsylvania
      City of Philadelphia      S.S.
                       	On this sixth day 
of August in the year of one thousand 
eight hundred and forty four, before me 
the subscriber a Commissioner in 
aforesaid State, appointed by the 
Governor of the Territory of Florida to take 
acknowledgments and proof of Deeds 
and other writings under seal to be 
used and recorded in said Territory of
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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