Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 202
For value received I Britton Dixon 
of Alachua County Florida do hereby 
assign transfer and set over unto 
Sebron Darius Garrason of Benton County 
Florida all my right title claim and 
demand to tract of Land purchased by 
me on the 29th day of April 1844 as per receivers 
receipt No 57 designated as the South West 
quarter of Section No. Thirty four in Township 
No Eight South in Range No Nineteen 
East situate in the District of Lands 
subject to sale at Newnansville, and request 
that a patent be issued to said 
Seabron Darius Garrason his heir or assigns
   Witness my hand this 16th day of December 
AD 1844
				B. Dixon
				Selene X Dixon
	Acknowledged before me this 19th day
       of December A.D. 1844
				Jno Parsons
		Recorded this 19th Dec AD 1844
				H.C. Wilson
Alachua County Territory of Florida Know all men by these presents that I - Wade H. Sparkman for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by Nathaniel Jones of the aforesaid County and Territory the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained sold and delivered, and by these presents, do bargain sell and
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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