Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 204
This Indenture made this first day of 
November in the year of Our lord One thousand 
Eight hundred and forty     between Wiley 
Brooks and Josiah Seckinger both of 
the Territory of Florida and County of Alachua 
Witnesseth.. That for and in consideration of 
the sum of Two hundred Dollars by the said 
Seckinger to the said Brooks paid at 
or before the signing of these presents, the 
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the 
said Wiley Brooks has bargained sold 
and delivered and by these presents do 
bargain sell and enfeoff to said  
Josiah Seckinger all that tract piece or 
parcel of land being and situate in the 
County of Alachua aforesaid and known 
on the survey of the United States of 
America made in the said Territory of 
Florida as N.E. Quarter of section Two 
Township Thirteen, Range Nineteen 
N.E. containing One hundred and 
sixty acres -  To have and to hold 
the above mentioned and described prop
erty tract of land to the said Josiah 
Seckinger his heirs and assigns free 
from the claim of the United States, of the 
said Wiley Brooks his heirs and assigns 
and all and every other person or persons 
whatever in fee simple. And the said 
Wiley Brooks for himself his heirs and 
assigns doth covenant and agree to 
and with the said Josiah Seckinger 
his heirs Executors and Administrators 
will ** the said Josiah Seckinger and 
to his heirs Executors and assigns from and or 
against the claim of the United States
and against claims of all and 
every other person or persons whom so
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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