Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 206
I hereby Certify that I was called upon by 
Stephen Fernandez a Citizen of Florida and 
desired by him to survey a tract of Land, 
containing six thousand acres commencing 
at the Eleventh Mile tree, so called on Ray's 
Trail, and that I accompanied Mr. Fernandez 
to make the survey, that I made a survey of 
the requisite quantity of land Commencing at 
what was called said to be the point to 
commence at.  that I did not discover any 
marks or blazes showing or indicating 
any old land marks upon the land so 
surveyed, and that I do not know that the 
lines surveyed and blazed by me were upon 
either the lines or the tract of six thousand acres 
that the above survey by me was made commencing 
on the twenty seventh day of March 
and ending on the first day of April 
AD 1839
				M. Garrison
James Dell
Geo F. Olmsted	
				Territory of Florida
				County of Alachua
Be it Known, that before me, a Justice of 
the Peace in and for the County above named 
personally appeared James Dell one of 
the subscribing witnesses, who under oath 
Declares that he saw M. Garrison sign 
the above certificate
Sworn to and subscribed			James Dell
before me this 21st day of 
August 1844
		James Russell
		Justice of the Peace
	Recorded this 1st Jany AD 1845
				H.C. Wilson
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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