Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 207
Territory of Florida
Alachua County	      Know all men by 
                  these presents that I. 
Rob't G. Livingston of the County and Territory 
aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum 
of Two hundred Dollars to me in hand paid 
the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge 
have bargained and sold, and by these 
presents do bargain and sell unto Henry C. 
Wilson of the same place, a certain house 
situated in the Town of Newnansville in said 
County Containing six Rooms more particularly 
known as the Goodrich House.
      To have and to hold the afore mentioned 
and described Dwelling house unto him the 
said Henry C. Wilson, his executors, Ad
ministrators and assigns to his and their 
own proper use and benefit forever
And I the said Rob't G. Livingston, myself 
Executors and Administrators will warrant 
and defend the said bargained premises 
unto the said Henry C. Wilson, his Executors 
Administrators and assigns from and 
against all persons whomsoever
		In Testimony whereof I here
unto set my hand and seal this the 24th day 
of November AD 1844
Signed and sealed	Rob't G. Livingston (L.S.)
In presence of
    W.H. Perry
			This day personally appeared 
before me Henry C. Wilson Clerk, W.H. Perry who on oath 
declares that he heard Rob't G. Livingston acknowledge 
that he signed the above instrument for the purposes 
therein expressed this 1st Jany 1845
		Henry C. Wilson
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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