Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 211
     Whereas by an agreement made on the 26th 
day of September One thousand Eight hundred 
and forty three on the Island called Cedar 
Key, in the County of Alachua, in the Territory 
of Florida   between Augustus Steele and John 
Loud, both of said Island, County and Territory 
aforesaid, it is among other things therein 
stipulated that the said Augustus Steele was bound 
unto the said John Loud his heirs and assigns, to 
transfer assign and set over all that store or Ware 
House now or late in occupancy of Weise and 
formerly by the Commissary of the United States 
for the storage of provisions & the said Store or Ware
House being in dimensions about forty feet by 
one hundred feet and situated on said Key 
And whereas the said Steele obtained by permit 
issued under the law for the armed occupation of 
said Territory the said store or Warehouse with 
other the buildings on said Island as pertaining 
to the soil.  But notwithstanding which the Government 
of the United States, through the Quarter 
Master General of the same, by Lieut. I.G. 
Burbank * asst. Quarter Master U.S.A. 
did sell at the day of the date of said recited agreement 
to the highest bidders the Store or Warehouse before 
referred to, as well as the other the late Public 
Buildings there on said Island of which the 
said Augustus Steel became the purchaser 
and received from the same a Bill of sale 
of the said * asst. Quarter Master, U.S.A. 
by which by which the title in and to the said 
Store or Warehouse became fully and absolutely 
legally and equitably vested in said 
Augustus Steele his heirs and assigns
	  Now Know Ye that the said Augustus 
Steele for and in consideration 
of the sum of Five Dollars lawful silver 
money of the United States to him in
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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