Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 215
reaches the distance of One hundred and fifty 
150 feet more or less to the line of another street 
in the rear of those lots intended to be laid out by 
said Steele, thence southwardly along said 
street until it intersects another street on the south 
side of said Island fronting the Beach and 
facing toward Sea Horse Key, thence along said 
street westwardly until it intersects the street 
facing Way Key at the distance of not less 
than One hundred and twenty feet from the place 
of beginning , together with all and singular 
the rights privileges and appurtenances there
unto belonging, and the rights and privileges 
of all streets, lands, waters and water courses 
with the exclusive right of the shore of said Island 
opposite said lot or building.  And to erect build 
or construct, or cause to be erected built or con
structed a wharf or wharves upon said shore 
or out into deep water or other conveniences for 
the landing or removal of goods or for other pur
poses as to the said Loud his heirs or assigns may be deemed 
necessary or convenient.  It being understood that 
the land and water outside of said streets is 
intended to be the exclusive property of said 
Loud his heirs or assigns, reserving nevertheless 
thereout and therefore whilst the Fee Simple 
title to said lots is in abeyance Four annual 
payments by the said Loud his heirs or 
assigns of fifty dollars each to the said
Steele his heirs or assigns -- The first 
commencing on the first day of October one 
thousand Eight hundred and forty five, But 
should the title to said Island of which 
this said lot forms a part not be confirmed 
to the said Steele his heirs or assigns 
or should they refuse to carry out this 
agreement by giving good and sufficient 
title to said Lot intended to be conveyed
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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