Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 216
to said Loud his heirs or assigns, or should 
the title to said Island be earlier confirmed 
them in either case this annual payment to 
cease and the remainder of said payment the 
said Loud, his heirs or assigns are thereupon 
forever discharged therefrom.  But upon 
being confirmed and a full and sufficient 
title free and clear of all liens and incum
brances being given to the said Loud, his heirs 
or assigns for the said lot of ground, he or 
they shall pay or cause to be paid to the 
said Steele his heirs or assigns the full and 
entire sum of three hundred Dollars lawful 
money as aforesaid, and the lot shall thence 
become fully and absolutely vested in them and 
discharged from all payments whatsoever
	In Witness whereof we have hereby bind 
        ourselves, our heirs and assigns abso
        lutely by these presents and have hereunto 
        set our hands and seals this day & 
        date above written
In presence of
J.G. Burbank			Augustus Steele (L.S.)
Tho's H. Parsons		John Loud (L.S.)

Territory of East Florida 
    County of Alachua
			Personally appeared 
before me John G. Putnam a Justice of the 
Peace in and for the said County - Tho's H. Parsons 
one of the subscribing witnesses to the within agree
ment, who being duly sworn deposeth and 
saith that he saw Augustus Steele and John 
Loud, parties thereto sign seal and deliver 
the said instrument of writing as their act 
and Deed desiring that it might be recorded as such 
for the purposes therein named, and that at
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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