Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 218
    Know all men by these presents that I 
Sarah A. Sanchez relict of Francis R. Sanchez 
late of Alachua County deceased for and in 
consideration of Ten Dollars to me paid by Henry 
C. Wilson of said County and for divers other good 
considerations me thereunto moving, have granted 
remised, released and forever quit claimed, and by 
these presents do bargain, remise, release and 
forever quit claim unto the said Henry C. Wilson, his 
heirs and assigns forever all the Dower and title of 
Dower, and all other right, title, interest, property 
claim and demand whatsoever in law and in 
equity of me the said Sarah A. Sanchez of in 
and to certain lots or parcels of land lying and 
being situate in said County and in the Town of 
Newnansville containing two acres more or 
less and described in the plat of the survey of 
the said Town of Newnansville as Lots No one, 
Number Two, Number Three, Number Four in 
Block Number Three Range Number Three.  
Said lots being now in the occupation and 
possession of the said Henry C. Wilson and to all the 
Buildings and improvements thereon, So that 
neither I, the said Sarah A. Sanchez, my 
heirs, Executors or administrators, nor any 
other person or persons for me, them or any 
of them shall have claim, challenge, or demand 
or pretend to have claim, challenge or 
demand any Dower or any other right, title 
claim or demand of in or to the said premises 
but thereof and therefrom shall be utterly 
debarred and excluded forever by these presents.
  In Witness whereof I the said Sarah 
A. Sanchez have hereunto set my hand 
and affixed my seal this     Day of July 
AD 1844
Signed sealed and delivered	Sarah A. Sanchez (L.S.)
in presence of A. Car*
	           Jno Car*
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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