Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 219
	Territory of Florida
	District of East Florida
	Alachua County	
                                 Know all mean by 
these presents that I, Charles Gibbons of the 
County, District and Territory aforesaid for and 
in consideration of the sum of Twenty five 
Dollars to me in hand paid by John W. Pearson 
of the said County District and Territory at 
and before the sealing and delivery of these 
presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed 
and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and 
convey unto the said John W. Pearson and to his 
heirs and assigns all of my Estate, right, title, 
interest claim and demand of, in and to a certain 
lot of land in the Town of Newnansville - 
designated as Lot Number six (6) Block six 
Range one, upon the plan of the said Town as 
filed and existing in the Clerk's Office of the 
County Court of Alachua County aforesaid
	Together with all and singular the here
ditaments and appurtenances to said Lot of 
land in any wise appertaining.  To have and 
to hold the said Lot of ground land and 
every part thereof together with all and singular 
the hereditaments and appurtenances aforesaid 
unto the said John W. Parsons, his heirs and 
assigns forever
		And I the said Charles Gibbons 
for myself and my heirs, the said Lot of 
land and premises and every part thereof 
and all hereditaments and appurtenances 
thereto belonging against me and my heirs & 
against all and every other person or persons what
soever to the said John W. His heirs and 
assigns shall and will warrant and 
forever defend by these presents.  In
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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