Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 021
Teritory of Florida }
		    This Indenture made the 
thirteenth day of August in the year eighteen 
Hundred and twenty five.  Between Antonia 
Alverez of the City of St. Augustine of the first 
part and Col. Gad Humphreys of the Teri
tory of Florida of the second part for and 
in consideration of the sum of five hundred 
and fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by 
the said Col. Gad Humphreys of the second 
part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
Hath granted bargained and sold and 
by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto 
the said Col. Gad Humphreys of the second part part 
all his right and title of in & to an undivided 
half part or moity of a certain tract or parcel 
of land lying and being and situate at a place 
called Big Swamp or Hammock in the County of 
Alachua containing fifteen hundred acres 
being the same granted to the aforesaid Antoinia 
Alverez of the first part by Don Josa Copinger 
former Governor of East Florida when a 
Province of Spain.  On the seventh day of Decem
ber Eighteen hundred and seventeen and by vir
tue of a Royal Order of the King of Spain 
made in and Commonly Known as the Royal 
Order of the year eighteen hundred and fifteen
     Together with all and singular the rights 
members hereditaments to the said premises belong
ing or in any wise incident or appertaining 
to have and to hold all and singular the 
premises before mentioned unto the aforesaid 
Gad Humphreys his heirs and assigns forever 
and the said Antonia Alverez doth hereby 
bind himself his heirs Executors & Administrators 
to warrant and forever defend all and sin
gular the said premises unto the said Gad 
Humphreys of the second part his heirs
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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