Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 222
Know all men by these presents that I 
Margaret P. Olmsted wife of the said Wood
bridge S. Olmsted, Grantors in the above Deed 
of Conveyance, do hereby renounce, release and 
forever relinquish all my right of Dower in 
and to the premises mentioned herein

Signed and sealed
in presence of		Margaret P. Olmsted (L.S.)
Tho's B. Russell
 Sam'l Russell
 Justice of the Peace
 for Alachua County

Territory of Florida
District of East Florida
Alachua County
			Be it remembered 
that Margaret P. Olmsted whose name is af
fixed to the foregoing renunciation of Dower 
was this day examined by me Samuel Russell 
for the aforesaid County of the District and 
Territory aforesaid separately and apart from 
her husband, Woodbridge S. Olmsted, where 
she acknowledged that she executed said 
renunciation of Dower freely, voluntarily and 
of her own accord without any constraint 
compulsion or fear of, or from her said hus
band, or any other person or persons what
soever.  Before me this 26th day of August 
Anno Domini 1843
				Samuel Russell
				  Justice of the Peace
				   for Alachua County
 	Recorded 18th Oct'r 1845
				H.C. Wilson
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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