Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 226
doth hereby release to the said John W. 
Pearson his heirs and assigns all her right 
and title of Dower in the aforegranted premises
		In Testimony whereof I the said 
Woodbridge S. Olmsted and Margaret 
my wife have hereunto set our hands and 
seals this             day of             Eighteen 
hundred and forty four
Signed sealed and		W.S. Olmsted
delivered in presence
R.B. Sanchez
John Helvinston
	Territory of Florida
	Alachua County	Be it known that on 
this          day of         In the year of Our 
Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty 
four before me came the above named Wood
bridge S. Olmsted and the above named 
Margaret     his wife and severally ac
knowledged the above instrument to be 
their free act and Deed, the said 
Margaret    being by me duly examined 
separate and apart from her said 
husband and the contents of the said 
Deed being fully made known to her 
declared that she did voluntarily sign 
seal, execute and deliver the same with
out any coercion or Compulsion of her 
	H.C. Wilson 	Recorded this 18th Oct'r 1845
		Clk		H.C. Wilson
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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