Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 022
and assigns forever against himself his heirs 
and of and against all and every person or per
sons whatsoever lawfully claiming or that may claim 
the same or any part thereof
    In witness the said Antoinia Alverez hath here
unto set his hand hand and affixed his seal 
the day & year first above written
			Antonia Alverez (Seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered in
the presence of us - the blot over the word December in 
the 17th line from top being made accidentally
Joshua Coffee  }	The word August in the first line
James S. Tingle}	entered before delivery

Teritory of Florida }
County of St. Johns }
		     Be it remembered that on 
the first day of September A.D. 1825 Antonia 
Alverez the Grantor in the foregoing Instrument 
of Writing named came before me the subscriber 
Clerk of the County Court for the County afore
said and acknowledged said Instrument 
to be his act and deed for the purposes there
in contained whereupon I have recorded 
the same.  Witness my name the date above
			James S. Tingle
Teritory of Florida }
County of Alachua   }  The within instrument of writing and 
Certificates there unto annexed are recorded in Book A page 
22 & @3 at the request of Col. Gad Humphreys.  Witness 
my name this 21st March 1827
			James Dell Ass’t Clerk

	A True Copy from the Original Book of 
        Record this 5th day of December 1839.
			I. Garrason Clk County Court
			            Alachua County
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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