Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 234
of March 1843 levy upon certain lands 
hereinafter set forth and discribed.  
And after having advertised in the "Florida 
Herald and otherwise as the law directs, 
did sell the said lands at public 
auction in front of the Court House 
in the County of Alachua on Monday 
the first day of January 1844, when the 
said Moses E. Levy being the highest bidder 
became the purchaser for the sum of 
twelve hundred dollars: Now therefore 
I John Beard Marshal as aforesaid: by 
virtue of the power in me by law vested 
and in pursuance of the writ aforesaid 
& in consideration of the sum 
of twelve hundred dollars to me in 
hand paid by the said Moses E. Levy 
have granted, bargained, and sold, & by these 
presents do grant bargain sell and convey to the 
said Moses E. Levy his heirs and assigns 
the said tracts of land herein before 
referred to, to wit, The interest of said 
Estate (of Joseph M. Arredondo) in the 
undivided grant of land of four 
leagues at each wind made to Fernando 
dela Maza Arredondo & Son by the Spanish 
Government on or about the 22nd December 
1817 & situated at a place called Alachua 
formerly inhabited by a tribe of Seminole 
Indians, Commonly known as the Arredondo 
grant in Alachua   also the interest 
of the said Estate (of Joseph M. Arredondo) 
in a tract of land of forty thousand 
acres granted to the said Joseph M. Arredondo 
by the Spanish Government on or about 
the 12th day of January 1811

Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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