Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 235
Situated at a place called Oquilibaga, along 
the meanderings of the River of the same 
name.  To have and to hold each & all of the 
of the said tracts of land, or of the 
interest of the estate of the estate of the 
said Joseph M. Arredondo therein, unto the 
said Moses E. Levy his heirs and assigns 
		Witness my hand & seal this 24th day 
of June A.D. 1845.
    Witnesses			John Beard
E.Van Ness			U.S. Marshal (L.S.)
Geo R. Fairbanks		Dist.. East Florida

State of Florida    On this 24th day of June 
St. Johns County    1845 personally appeared 
John Beard Marshal of the District of 
East Florida to me well known and 
acknowledged that he executed the foregoing 
conveyance for the purposes therein mentioned
			P.B. Dumas
			Clerk of St. Johns County

District of East Florida ss:   Personally appeared 
before me on this thirteenth day of January 
A.D. 1846 Geo. R. Fairbanks a subscribing 
witness to the foregoing Indenture to me well 
known and made Oath that the said John 
Beard U.S. Marshal executed the same 
in his presence for the purposes therein 
			J.H. Bronson U.S. Judge
			for Dist of East Florida
Recorded this 2nd day of February 1846
				R.B. Sanchez
				  Clerk C.C.

Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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