Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 239
To have and to hold the above granted 
and discribed premises with the app
urtenances unto the said parties of the 
second part their heirs and assigns 
to their own proper use and behoof forever  
And the said Moses Elias Levy for himself his 
heirs executors and administrators doth 
Covenant promise to and with the said parties 
of the second part and their heirs and 
assigns the above mentioned and described 
premises, in the quiet and peaceable 
possession of the said parties of the second 
part their heirs and assigns against the 
said party of the first part and his heirs 
and against all and every person 
whomsoever lawfully claiming or to 
claim the shall same shall and 
will warrant and by these presents 
def for ever defend.
			   In witness 
whereof the said party of the first 
part has hereunto set his hand and 
seal this twenty ninth day of January 
One thousand eight hundred and 
forty six.  The words of our Lord erased 
in the tenth line of the second page 
before signing
In presence of			M.E. Levy (   )
E.B. Gould
F.J. Quincy

State of Florida
St Johns County    ss		Be it known on 
the thirtieth day of January 1846 came before 
me Elias B. Gould Judge of Probate of said 
County, Moses E. Levy Known to me as the individual
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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