Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 023
This Agreement made the fifteenth day of 
March in the year one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty seven, Between Moses Elias           
Of Alachua, east Florida, Planter now 
residing at No 1 Row Knights Bridge in the County 
of Middlesix England of the one part and Joseph 
Delevante of No 3 Kimbolton Place Bromton 
in the County of Middlesix England of the other 
part.  Whereas the said Moses Elias Levy is posses
ed of or entitled unto nineteen thousand two hun
dred acres of land being part and parcel of a 
certain tract of land, situate and being in the 
County formerly called Saint Johns now cal
led Alachua in East Florida aforesaid and 
herein after more particular discribed & also the 
said Moses Elias Levy is possessed of or entitled 
unto other nineteen thousand Two hundred 
acres of land and also to nineteenth part 
of a tract of land containing fourteen thousand 
five hundred five hundred acres acres situate 
and being on the west side of the St. Johns river in 
E Florida aforesaid.  Under and by virtue of 
a certain contract or agreement.  But the convey
ance thereof have not been made and executed 
the whole of which amounting to about fifty 
one thousand five hundred fifty acres subject 
nevertheless to the charge and condition herein 
after mentioned in common with the premises 
herein after discribed and the said Moses Elias 
Levy is also possessed of or entitled unto one un
divided moity of and in twenty thousand 
acres of land part and parcel of a certain 
tract or parcil of land containing twenty five 
thousand acres in the Teritory of E Florida 
aforesaid and herein after more particular 
discribed subject nevertheless to the charge 
herein after mentioned - In common 
with the premises herein after discribed
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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