Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 243
Know all men by these presents, that I Rufus Davenport 
of the City County & State of New York, for & in 
consideration of my indebtedness to Orloff M. Dorman 
of St. Johns County State of Florida, for his services 
in attending to the partition of the land known as the 
Arredondo grant lying mostly in the County of 
Alachua in the State of Florida, and to secure 
to him all the Cost which have accrued in the said 
partition case & which I am bound to pay, have made 
constituted, & appointed, & by these presents do make, constitute, 
& appoint the above named Orloff M. Dorman my true 
and lawful attorney, for me & in my name, to control, 
contract for, Sell & convey, bargain & grant, to such person 
or persons as he may advisable, & for such sum or sums, as 
he may think best, all my right title, interest, claim, dem
demand, possession & land in & to the said tract or parcel 
of land known as the Arredondo grant lying & being 
mostly in the County of Alachua & partly in the County 
of Marion in said State of Florida and granted to 
Fernando M. Arredondo & Son by the Spanish Government 
on the twenty second day of December 1817 which interest, 
claim, demand, & law consists of five hundred acres in 
said grant derived to me by a deed from Nathaniel Wells 
late of the said City of  New York dated the    July 1821 
hereby authorizing my said Attorney in my name to make 
execute & acknowledge, a deed or deeds of conveyance with 
full covenants and full warranty & the same to deliver, of any 
portion separately or the whole together of my interest 
right, claim, demand & land in said Arredondo grant 
and to bargain, sell, dispose of, grant and convey all and 
any part of my interest in said grant or tract of 
land in such a manner & for such a price or prices as in the 
Judgment of my said Attorney, may appear most to my 
interest or advantage and hereby authorizing & impowering 
my said Attorney one or more attorneys under him 
to make & appoint & again at his pleasure to dis
charge giving & granting unto my said attorney my 
full and whole power and authority in these premesis
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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