Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 244
to do & act & execute as fully and freely as I myself 
could do were I personally present, hereby ratifying and 
confirming all that my said attorney shall lawfully do 
by virtue hereof and I the said Rufus Davenport do
hereby further agree, declare, & consent to & with the 
said Orloff M. Dorman that this present writing is 
made & shall constitute a good & bona fide lien upon 
all and every part of my interest, right, claim, demand 
and land in the said grant & is & shall be deemed a 
good & valid mortgage upon & over every part of my 
said interest, right, claim , demand & land in said 
grant to secure the payment to the said Orloff M. 
Dorman, or to his Executors & administrators of any &
all sums due him for his professional services in and 
about said cause for the partition of said grant 
and for this cost arising and accruing in said partitions 
case and which I am bound to pay & for the full payment 
to the said Orloff m. Dorman or his Executors or admin
istrators of what may be due & owing him for such services 
rendered me in the case for the partition of said grant 
or hereafter to be rendered for me on account of my said 
interest, claim & land in said grant, & for the payment 
of all the cost accruing in said partition case, I hereby 
bind myself my heirs, Executors, & administrators & every 
of them firmly by these presents, and it is further 
understood and agreed between the parties to these 
presents that this power of attorney is not to be 
revoked or to become null & void by the death of either 
party, but is to continue in full force until the 
amount due and owing the said Orloff M. Dorman 
is fully paid and discharged, & to be acted upon and carried 
out by the Executors & administrators of the party so 
dying, Before signing the word "his" on the second page 
& the word "my" on this page were interlined.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and seal this twelfth day of November in the year of our 
Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six
				  Rufus Davenport (L.S.)
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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